Hongkong: Drahtseilbahn auf den Peak / Peak Tram

Source:  Weltmuseum Wien (Vienna World Museum), Collection Max Ritter von Lommer ((1864 Padua - 1902 Monastyryska (Ukraine); Photo slightly enhanced.

Peak Tram c.1895. Union Church and it's Manse left (east) of the tram tracks, no building on the right (west). To the right of the church one can see the Bowen Road bridge over the Peak Tram.

The photo was taken from the lower terminus, the Peak Tram bridge in the foreground is likely the one over Tramway Lane as it was before reconstruction in this area  the Albany Nullah (see comment below).

Date picture taken
1895 (year is approximate)


Nice to see an early photo of the main and diversionary Peak Tram tracks from the Lower Terminus. I think the tram bridge seen above Union Church is the one at Bowen Road (flat bridge with arches). A view here

Yes, I now also think it's the bridge over the nullah. I originally thought it was a road/path, but if you follow the (sometimes dotted) lines you end up at the Albany service tank (uphill) and the harbour (downhill).

P.S. Would that be the Albany Nullah?

In the main photo, the Peak Tram's main line is in the foreground. Looks line the maintenance siding branches off to the right (west) of the Lower Tram Terminus. In photos taken later, the maintenance siding is to the east of the main line and away from the tram terminus. This change may have occurred at some point in the late 1890s (?) for the enlargement of the Lower Tram Terminus.

See 1889 map at https://www.hkmaps.hk/viewer.html