Pottinger Street (southernmost section)

Vue d'un groupe de personnes prenant la pose. Deux hommes sont transportés dans un pousse-pousse, tandis qu'un autre se promène au moyen d'une chaise à porteurs. Il s'agit d'un cliché d'un studio hongkongais si l'on se fie à l'annotation de Dumoulin au verso.

Hong Kong. Chaise à porteurs et pousse pousse (annotation manuscrite de Louis Dumoulin au verso)

View of a group of people posing. Two men are transported in a rickshaw, while another walks by means of a sedan chair. This is a photo from a Hong Kong studio if we trust Dumoulin's annotation on the back.

Hong Kong. Sedan chair and rickshaw (handwritten annotation by Louis Dumoulin on the back)

Source: Fonds ASEMI, Université Côte d'Azur, see https://humazur.univ-cotedazur.fr/s/humazur/ark:/17103/c2r5

Identification has been made as Pottinger Street by Herostratus. Please see comments below for more detail.

Date picture taken


thanks for confirmation Marlowe. This one will be hard to locate then unless someone can recognise the building or wall behind.

This photo was taken on Pottinger Street just up from Wellington. The building in the background was part of the 1st Catholic Cathedral complex - maybe administration offices. The Catholic Church had the entire lot facing Wellington, Pottinger and Hollywood/Wyndham. - originally I.L. 50. There was a commercial photography studio, Pun Lun, on the opposite side of Pottinger for a time and its possible they are responsible for taking the photo. 

once again an impressive bit of identification from Herostratus. Excellent find. Yes, it seems that a couple of the images from the University website were taken by Pun Lun (including this one) and have also been previously uploaded by user Bennett.