Praya East looking towards Jardines Bazaar

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 17:31

Vue d'une rue et de commerces à Hong Kong. Sur l'enseigne visible au centre de la photo, on peut lire : 軒梅碌.

Hong Kong une rue (annotation manuscrite de Louis Dumoulin au verso)

View of a street and shops in Hong Kong. The sign in the center of the photo reads 軒梅碌.

A Hong Kong street (handwritten annotation by Louis Dumoulin on the back)

Source: Fonds ASEMI, Université Côte d'Azur, see

See comment below: Herostratus has identified this as the view at the eastern end of Praya East looking towards a fork in the road where it splits into Jardines Bazaar (on the right) and Great George Street (on the left). The building in the middle occupied the block located between the two roads.

Date picture taken


I copied the Chinese characters from the University's annotation, but this looks more like  軒梅詠 to me. Please feel free to correct.

Maybe this will help with the identification. Once id'd I can update the title etc

Hi Phil,


It is 詠梅軒alright.  The words were written right to left.  It could be a business of sort, maybe even a brothel.  Uncertain though.



I'm pretty sure this is a picture taken looking south east at the junction of Jardines Bazaar and Great George Street. The street layout has completely changed today but the map of the 1880s below shows the curve. Photographer would have been standing at the top of the hk in the hkmaps watermark. The building in the centre of the photo was 2 Jardine's Bazaar on the 1901 Map. 

1889 East Point
1889 East Point, by Admin

The hill in the background would be where the Bellios Reformatory was built - not sure if it had a name. 

The fence on the left has an identical design to the fence at the gate to EastPoint hill - the residence of Jardine Matheson, except it lacks the stone balls on top of most of the pillars. The fence surrounded the Jardine offices/Godowns on the waterfront.

1870s Jardine's Garden
1870s Jardine's Garden, by Klaus


So, we have JArdines Bazaar moving off to the right and what was originally Gt George Street going to the left?