Geo. Fenwick advert 1909

Fri, 05/31/2024 - 00:22

From the Chronicle for 1909.


Geo. FENWICK & Co., Ld., Engineers and Shipbuilders, HONGKONG.

Founded forty years ago, when the city of Victoria was in its infancy, the Victoria Foundry, now Geo. Fenwick & Co., Ld., is thus one of the oldest industries in the Colony.

WOOD shipbuilding has always been an important part of the firm's business, and steamers over a quarter of a century old are still running, which were built at this yard; during recent years plant has been added to deal with the construction of steel vessels, and light-draft steel steamers up to 170 feet long have been turned out, as well as lighters and other craft.

In order to keep abreast of the times a new shipyard is in progress of reclamation: this establishment is designed to be equipped with the most modern appliances to enable ships and engines to be constructed cheaply and expeditiously. The site is at North Point, and is easily reached either by the electric tram, rickshaw, or steam launch. Vessels drawing 20 feet will be able to lie alongside the wharf at low water, and the sheer legs will be capable of handling weights up to 50 tons.

Meanwhile work is being carried on in the old premises at Wanchai, where Engines, Boilers, Winches, and other classes of Machinery are being manufactured; a quantity of the above, of various types, is always on hand, either ready or in progress: a large stock of engineering materials is also kept for disposal.

Special attention is given to ship and engine repairing; launches patrol the harbour and will call alongside any vessel flying the call flag "E."

In addition to marine work, Geo. Fenwick & Co., Ld., undertake the erection of Iron Wharves, Bridges, Roofs, &c., also hot- water and sanitary installations.

Telegraphic Address: "FENWICK," Hongkong.

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