Uploaded from "University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China", reference number: Mi01-045. Uploaded with kind permission by the University of Bristol. From the Dr Eleanor Whitworth Mitchell collection.
Date estimated to 1913-1917 because Bijoux Theatre is still there. Interesting to note is the inscription on the former Hong Kong Club Building (right) reading [BALTIM]ORE HOTEL. This hotel possibly moved from the German Club to this location after 1913 (when the German Club Building was demolished).
Date picture taken
1915 (year is approximate)
Shows place(s)
Hotel Signboard
The little Chinese signboard on the extreme right reads '中西士商旅寓‘, meaning 'Chinese Western scholars/officials merchants travelling hostel' may have a chance to be the Chinese name of Baltimore Hotel.
Re: Chinese signboard
Thank you for spotting and translating the Chinese signboard. From c.1897 to 1918, the Chinese YMCA operated a hostel in this building. Possibly the signboard refers more to the YMCA hostel than the Baltimore hotel.
Re: Baltimore Hotel
The Carl Smith Collection: https://search.grs.gov.hk/en/searchcarl.xhtml?q=baltimore&rpp=10 (Card No. 29735) provides an address in 1914 for the Baltimore Hotel as being at 34 Queen's Road Central, that is the former Hong Kong Cub building and same address for Yee Sang Fat.
Chinese signboard
Thanks Klaus for the feedback. Agree that the signboard refers more to the YMCA hostel as the Chinese 寓 means more of a hostel than a hotel.