funeral shrine at death of village elder ping shan 1955

Date picture taken


The name "茄楠聖佛" rarely appears in the Ping Shan, but it is shown on the embroidered banners. I think this name refers to the "伽藍神," a protector deity of Buddhism, as well as to Guan Yu 關帝

Mr Chan did not originate in Hong Kong as far as I know; he told me that he had been a teacher in Chine and had come to Hong Kong as he did not agree with the Communist's policies.  It is possible (but I was never aware of any link) that he had family connections in Ping Shan.  I would suspect that his son's name was a diminutive of something else and the sybles on the emroidered banner is mearly a coinsidence.

Anyway, thank you very much for your observations.