The head of Japanese Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong

Tue, 08/01/2023 - 11:26
  • The head of Japanese Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong
(昭和18年2月) Japanese language content : (February, 1943) brief meaning in English :
領事 服部恒雄 満洲国及中華民国ヘ出張ヲ命ス :  領事服部恒雄ハ過般日英交換船ニ依リ任地濠洲ヨリ帰朝シタルカ近ク陸軍司政官ニ転出シ外務書記官黄田多喜夫ノ後任トシテ香港総督部ニ於テ勤務スルコトヲ予定セラレ居ル処同官ハ発令赴任前最近ノ満洲国及中華民国ノ状況ヲ視察シ度キ旨切望致シ居リ右ハ同官ノ新任務遂行上誠ニ有益ナリト認メラルルニ付テハ往復約三週間ノ予定ヲ以テ新京、北京、南京及上海ヲ視察セシムル為満支ニ出張ヲ命セラルルコトト致度 Consul Tsuneo HATTORI (服部恒雄) recently returned to Japan from his post in Australia. He was scheduled to replace Takeo ODA (黃田多喜夫) as Chief of the Foreign Affairs Department in Hong Kong. Before assuming his new post, he desired to first observe the current situations in Manchukuo and China.


Date picture taken