Swimming pool at Cavendish Heights, May 1976. That's me in the water, wearing a SCUBA mask, my brother Jimmy & I think it's his neighbor friend Zachary (if not him, a neighbor named Christopher, who's father worked for Citibank) in the inflatable raft. We're over near the deep end of the pool, and the diving boards, including a now-rare high diving board) would be to the left.
Usually the pool wasn't crowded, at all, which made it wonderful for us kids that used to like paddling & splashing around. One some nice weekend, of course it was somewhat busy & occasionally the complete would hold social events there like swim races for kids, etc.
I don't remember any official rules about pool hours, but I don't think it had lighting at night -- the one time I stayed in it after dark, I remember a small bat landing in the water near me -- that was enough to put an end to any post-sunset swims for me!