1952 View over Central to the harbour and Kowloon

For the story behind this photo, please see: https://gwulo.com/node/58861

Date picture taken


Incredible all the details which Admin describes!

BUT, I am interested in which ships are in port and on the left of the postcard is a liner passenger vessel that I would like to identify.  Most photos taken from the Peak do not take into account the anchorage of merchants ships and that is what I would like to see. And in particular photos which are clear and sharp.  I still hope for more photos of that anchorage when real ships plied the ocean.

Here's the maximum resolution view of the liner:


If you can add any information about the ship, please could you add a comment to the liner photo?

The vessel is most likely TJIWANGI. She and her sister were built for Royal Interocean Lines - Koninklijke Java-China Paketvaart Lijnen.   Seen here arriving at Hong Kong harbour in June 1964. Upon entry into service she was on regular service Djakarta-Java-Bali-Hong Kong-and Japan which in 1960 changed to Melbourne-Sydney-Hong Kong-Yokohama. She was to remain on this service route for the next 13 years. Sold to Pacific International Lines (Singapore) in 1971 and renamed KOTA BALI. Sent to breakers in Kaohsiung in 1980. Both Tjiwangi and her sister were one of the most efficient and practical ‘pocket’ liners of the class with innovative and substantive cargo holds.


I believe that the ship is docked at the Ocean Terminal on Kowloon side of Hong Kong. Not far from that clock tower next to the "jim sa tsui" bus "terminal". From that flag on the "flum?chimney?" I think it's the Royal Dutch line or something like that.

Correct. The Ocean Terminal Kowloon side.  The name Tsim Sha Tsui in Cantonese means sharp sandspit. It was also known as Heung Po Tau (香埗頭), i.e. a port for exporting incense tree.

The Dutch shipping line was known as Royal Interocean Lines. Her original Dutch name was Koninklijke Java-China Paketvaart Lijnen.  Their (new) office was opened in 1957 at North Point and the road leading to the building was called Java Road. The company was locally known as Java Kongsi.