1957 Pooi Tu (培道) Middle school going to Silver Mine Bay

School children at the Kowloon City pier taking the ferry to Silver Mine Bay on a 1957 picnic. Upper picture is the Kowloon City pier. Lower left on the ferry. Lower right at the destination.

It is likely they are crossing the harbour to Tonnochy pier Wanchai and then walking to the Central-Mui Wo pier.

Date picture taken


It's kind of hard to match the Chinese characters for Pooi Tu. Could somebody kindly post the Chinese equivalence of the middle school  Pooi Tu?  : ) Not sure if it's the same school that I once attended...somewhere near Kowloon "Sing" area...Kowloon "City".....District of Kowloon City like one referred to Kowloon Tong.... I am having a ball with all these old photos ! Thanks David for making up such a web site as gwulo.com and am really glad that somehow we got connected an ocean apart through the internet !!!


If you google search "pooi tu middle school", its Wiki will show up. That should be the official English name.

Hi There,

I suspect the school may have chartered a ferry to cross the harbour.  Maybe to Wanchai, maybe to Central, or even straight to Lantau.  This would be easier to maintain order among youngesters.  You simply do not want anyone to gone astray along the way.  Anyway, no way for us to confirm unless one of the participants come forward, but we cannot rule it out.


Hello There:

I was not born yet in 1950 but I would suspect that the trip on a ferry will be trip to may be Sai-Kung for a swim-fishing-BBQ on the beach outing! I was not yet or ever participate in one of the school outings as such while a 5th grader there and I was transfered out to St. Rose of Lima's Girls school before 5th grade was complete but do remember the primary school where I learn to read the Chinese Bible and had the 10 commandment memorized, in Chinese, in traditional Chinese characters, not the today's pinyin Mao's Chinese... : ) P.S. Just noticed the Chinese characters for Silver Mine Bay on top left of the first of the 3 to 4 photos on the page orginally posted by...I wish I can copy and paste the words and the photo here to make the these writings more clear...