Kowloon City Ferry Pier [1956- ]

Submitted by tngan on
Current condition
In use
Date completed
(Day & Month are approximate.)

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Kowloon Ferry Pier started to operate in 1956. From 1965, a vehicular ferry service to Northpoint was operational until 1998. Source here.

From the Public Works Report for the fiscal year 1956/57:

203. The installation of the two electrically operated passenger lifts and six approach ramps was completed early in the year and the pier was opened by the Director (Hon. T. L. Bowring, C.M.G., O.B.E.) on the 3rd July. The Hong Kong Yaumati Ferry Co. commenced their regular service from this pier to Wanchai on the following day.

Hi Klaus,

Both piers still exist but only the passenger pier is still in service.  Well, only half of it as the Northern side had been affected by the construction of Central Kowloon Route.  Even on the Southern side they have to use a barge.

The vehicular Pier is sort of derelict.  The steel parts had been rusting off quite a bit.


Kowloon Ferry Piers, by tngan

It started operation in 1956 the same time the Stewart pier in Wanchai opened. It took over the Jordan rd line from the Tonnochy pier while the Tonnochy pier from that time served Kowloon city line. In 1968, the new Wanchai pier opened to replace the 2 piers at Stewart rd and Tonnochy rd. The Kowloon city line was dropped and it only served Hung Hom and Jordan rd. See this photo


The Kowloon City Ferry Pier now serves the North Point.