69 Robinson Road ????-1949

A large Chinese family mansion [張 儉 安 堂] on I.L. 705 - initially 35 Robinson Road, renumbered 69 Robinson Road in 1928.

Owner: CHEONG SUM-WOO [張 心 湖] alias CHEONG ON-LAN [張 安 欄], Merchant / Comprador / Developer of Chinese houses on I.L. 618 on On Lan Street (1914), Kowloon Bay Reclamation Scheme (1913) & Kai Tack Bund (c. 1920).

Entrance gate to original mansion remains on 69G Robinson Road to this day.

Date picture taken


This is an interesting photo. The original property on this location was called Stonehaven, a single storey bungalow - the building above looks to be built on exactly the same floor plan which makes me wonder if the foundations were reused or the original house was extensively modified with additional stories added. 

How sure of the 1949 demolish date? From aerial photos there is a building of the approximate same size/shape on this site until c1960 when it was redeveloped, although new properties had been built in the gardens closer to Robinson Road prior to the demolishing of the old house

There is a discussion here about the family who lived at 69G Robinson Road, assuming Cheung and Cheong are the same.