174 The Peak (71 Mount Kellett Road)

This is a photo of our house on the Peak in the 1950's - 1960's.  It was 174 The Peak and later changed to 71 Mount Kellett Road.  I believe units are now built there - sadly.

Date picture taken
24 Jun 1956


Hi Alison,

Thanks for the new photos. I've linked them to the building's page at: https://gwulo.com/node/8889

You'll see that page is almost empty, so I wonder if you know anything about the building's history, eg when it was built and any other owners?

Regards, David

Hi David, 

All I know about the building is that was the home of the General Manager of BGEC since the 1950’s and probably before that. My father was GM until 1963 and then a couple of others took over before the house was sold to a Chinese businessman- I assume it was he who sold it to the developer who subsequently tore it down.  It was still there in the early 1990’s and each time I return to HK I go up there on a little memory lane trip!



I used to live in this house as a schoolboy from 1969 until 1978.  I only visited during the school holidays but my sister went to the Peak School.

My father, John Weedon, was the Managing Director of GEC.

I can still remember the interior in great detail and have some photos of the inside but have to find them first.

I'm hoping to plan a visit in late 2020 but no doubt will be in touch before then.

Richard Weedon


John Weldon was a gentleman ...I was a young out of work ex serviceman with holes in my shoes on a wet day ....it was my last shot before giving up and returning to UK .... it was a long shot when I interviewed for a GEC job , John I believe was ex RAF as was I and he offered me a job knowing  fool well I was not really qualified for it .... he asked me how much money I needed and I replied I really would like HK $2k a month ... we will pay you 4K he said .....I only spent a year working for GEC , John really helped me .... I will never forget that..My GEC job enabled me to get on the ladder and within a couple of years I started my own successful electronics company and ran it for another 15 years .... 

thank you John where ever you are 


Kenneth Tomsett 

now retired.   Uk / Portugal / HK