71 Mount Kellett Road (previously '174, The Peak') [????-????]

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Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists

Photos that show this Place



This building was the home of the General Manager of British General Electric Corporation (BGEC) since the 1950’s and probably before that. My father was GM until 1963 and then a couple of others took over before the house was sold to a Chinese businessman - I assume it was he who sold it to the developer who subsequently tore it down.  It was still there in the early 1990’s and each time I return to HK I go up there on a little memory lane trip!


My parents began living there in 1969 when my father, John Weedon, became the Managing Director of GEC 'til the late 70s/early 80s.

Whilst there we had the cook, Ching (who emigrated to Canada and recently died aged 101) who was married to Ah Yeun and there was the driver Ah Fong.

I loved that house and was saddened to learn it was demolished to make way for aesthetically inferior houses.  I plan to visit The Peak late 2020.


Richard Weedon


Thank you for your comment - I was amazed to hear that Ching emigrated to Canada and died at 101.  Ah Yuen was with us as well and her three children (Ah Peng, Ah Nui and Sau Jung) were friends of mine and we often played together.  I heard that one of them became a doctor and they had an apartment at Pokfulam but that was years ago.  Ah Fung was also a member of our "family".  He had a beautiful wife and  lots of children!  I have photos of them all and when I went to boarding school in England (1958-62) they used to write to me regularly.  I went to the house in 1993 and Ching was still there.  I also have lots of photos of the interior of the house.  Would love to see yours.  I go back to HK fairly regularly as I consider it "home" (I went there at the age of 1 and ended up at HK Uni ). Last visit was September this year and we witnessed a demonstration which was sad. You could email me privately if you want.




Watching the news and seeing all the crazy changes in Hong Kong recently, my mother reminisced her BGEC days and mentioned 71 Mt. Kellett Rd.  I googled and was very surprised to see this page.  She was both Mr. J. Weedon's and Mr. Moray-Sutor's personal assistant.  She recalled Ching-the-butler and his wife who also worked there and the chauffeur.  She was impressed that Mr. Moray-Sutor was fluent in Mandarin Chinese. She also mentioned that his eldest daughter, (Alison?) visited our residence in Conduit Road to pick up something for her father. All these took place before my time and we are residing in US.

I can be reached at felice127@yahoo.com



Hi Alison - you don't know me but I am a friend of the Chan's family (that's the family name of the late Ching, and his family Ah Yuen, Ah Peng, Ah Nui and Sau Jung).  I am preparing a surprise birthday present for Ah Peng, who will be 70-year-old next month.  I would like to borrow your photos of 71 Kellett Road as part of the present (a music video).  BTW they are all doing well in Canada.  Ah Peng has 2 lovely daughters and he is now a grandfather of 4.  This is his facebook page: 


In case you want to contact him on facebook, please keep the secret re the birthday thing.  His daughters want to create a surprise for him.

A friend from Hong Kong


How lovely to have news of the Chan family - and of course you may borrow the photos of our old house.  I also have photos of the family together on the front lawn - Ah Peng was about 9 or 10 I think.  Would you like that one too?  I could email it to you.  My email is alisonferry@ymail.com if you want to correspond privately.  What a lovely idea of Ah Peng's daughters.  I will contact him via FB after his birthday so no surprises can be leaked!  

Regards, Alison