1960s Upper Peak Tram Station

Source: This image came from Flickr, see https://flickr.com/photo.gne?id=30223981522

Date picture taken


There's a long single story building to the right of the Peak tram terminus, does anyone know what it is?

I suspect it was something to do with the Peak Hotel, although it looks to be very old, it doesn't appear in pictures until the 1930s, and was there until the 1960s. 

It doesn't appear in many photos.

Thanks Moddsey,

I thought it was something like that,

what was it used for after the Hotel was demolished?,

because it was still there until the '60s


The long low building was part of Peak Hotel. I think was part of entrance at the back. The building was later the Star Taxi terminus/garage. You entered in the front by 2 large doors or by a man-door into a large open space which would accomadate 20 plus taxis. The area was lit by large windows on the right and overhead lights.They did servicing and cleaning as well as the cab rank and a drivers rest area in the back.The interior, back of the building has glass windowed fronts with double doors which opened into the drivers rest area on the right and offices on the left. Behind that were large restrooms and kitchen on right. Cannot remeber what was on rear left other than lots of wood panelling. People were not allowed into the back (I used the washrooms).