Murray Parade Ground mid 1870's

Beaconsfield Arcade is missing. Compare to:

Murray Parade Ground, by annelisec

The date of this image might be incorrect as Beaconsfield Arcade was demolished in 1933.

Added later: Yes, the date is incorrect, but it's not after demoliton of Beaconsfield Arcade, but before building it! Set the date to mid 1870's as suggested.

Source: This image came from Flickr, see

Date picture taken


Hi Klaus,

I think this is quite a bit older than 1920.

Moddsey has just posted a photo showing the small tower & dome that was added on the nearest corner in 1917:

1917 Former French Mission Building, by eternal1966e

There's no sign of it on the original photo, so we're definitely pre-1917.

The Peak looks very empty too, and I can't see the Peak Tram, so probably the 1880s or earlier.

Regards, David

Before demolishment in 1933, Beaconsfield Arcade comprised two buildings, one facing Queen's Road Central and the other facing the Murray Parade Ground. Not sure if they were built at the same time. The Arcade has been described of having been in existence from 1880. See here The Juror Lists from 1882 also confirms the leasing of premises. As for the photo, I am guessing mid 1870s.