
This is a photo of the Eustace family - F.O. Eustace and his son, William Albert, and their wives. F.O. Eustace, who may have been from New Zealand, joined Lane Crawford in 1865. According to a note in the archive, he went to Shanghai (where Lane Crawford had a store) in 1869 and then to Yokohama (where there was also a Lane Crawford store) in 1870. He returned to Hong Kong in 1898. William Albert Eustace is in the mess photo of 1904, and became Lane Crawford's managing director.

Date picture taken


When you create a photo, I recommend you:

 - choose "1900s Lane Crawford Archive photos" for Gallery. That will group all the photos into a gallery and let visitors see all the related photos

 - Fill in a value for "Date picture taken". Guesses are welcome!

For faded photos, adjusting the levels makes them easier to see: http://gwulo.com/How-to-restore-old-faded-photos

And if you have a person that appears in several photos, I recommend you make a page for them (http://gwulo.com/node/add/person). It gathers all the information about the person in one place, instead of it getting spread across several photos.

Regards, David

In fact, according to the South China Morning Post, William Albert Eustace was the nephew - not the son - of F.O. Eustace. This was stated in an item dated May 21, 1927 when W.A. Eustace was about to return Home after 25 years' service with Lane Crawford. He'd started out in the men's outfitters, had been instumental in setting up Lane Crawford's ladies' department and had become a partner in 1919. According to the SCMP, F.O. Eustace was still alive in 1927.

Around 1910 the Eustaces (Lane Crawford) lived at Gilston off Lower Richmond Road.  My Grandmother, Daisy Fraser,  lived with them for a while after her mother died in 1907 and was a close friend of Frank Eustace who ran the Sea School at Stanley up until the mid 1970s.