1956 photo

A special looking down from the Tiger Balm Garden. There's a scaffold on the right. Any idea what it is?



Date picture taken
Shows street(s)


Hi Joseph,

That's an interesting view. The construction in Victoria Park looks like one of the temporary theatres that are built for Chinese opera. Maybe it was built for that, or maybe it was built to protect excavation works, as it looks to be about the location of the Victoria Park swimming pool (see http://gwulo.com/node/4277).

The fact we can't see the swimming pool in the photo dates it to the 1950s.

Regards, David

It was the Sham's Circus.  沈常福馬戲團 had been in Hong Kong in 1956.  After a severe accident, the circus had never returned.

The following is a brief translation of Tai Kung Daily (大公報)dated 1956-04-15, page 4:

"... The Sham's Circus has been in Hong Kong for six months performing in Hunghom and in Victoria Park.  As it will move to Vietnam soon, it will hold its last four days show.  The final show will be on April 18, 1956."
