Members of the Executive and Legislative Councils 1908

This is a collection of photos of members of the Excutive and Legislative Councils in 1908 from Twentieth Century Treaty Ports.  The names of those pictured are set out below.  A * indicates the person is a member of Exco. All, except Sir Paul Chater, were members of Legco.

1.Hon. Commander Basil R.H. Taylor R.N.

2.Hon Mr H.E. Pollock, K.C.

3.Hon. Mr A.W. Brewin

4.Hon. Dr. J.M. Atkinson*

5.His Excellency Major-General Broadwood, C.B.*

6.Hon. Mr William Chatham, C.M.G*

7.Hon. Mr A.M. Thomson*

8.His Excellency Sir Frederick Lugard K.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.O.*

9.Hon Mr Rees-Davies* (Later Chief Justice)

10.Hon. Mr. H. Keswick

11.Hon. Mr E.A. Hewett*

12.Hon. Mr F.H. May*

13.Hon. Sir Paul Chater Kt. C.M.G.*

14.Hon. Dr Ho Kai, M.B., C.M.G.

15.Hon. Mr Wei Yuk C.M.G.

16.Hon. Mr Edward Osborne

Date picture taken