Peak Cafe - 1954

A picture that graced many squaddies' photo albums during the 1950's. But who is she - and where is she now ?

Date picture taken


Could she be the owner?  According to Martin Booth's book, the owner was a woman, and she is standing with the business sign prominently displayed.

Update- Have recently seen the same photo. The back of the photo in another photo album reads "Chinese girl at the entrance of the Peak Restaurant 6-12 Jan 1954."

Another photo of the same lady and same time frame. I think she was a photographer's model and appears in views of the Peak. Not sure of the actual location. Is the lady standing next to an AOP with steps leading below? There is lettering on the ground " Cut & ....." ?

1954 A Lady & View of the Harbour , by moddsey

with regards to moddsey's picture above, the alignment of the HSBC building with Kowloon Peak in the distance makes me think this was somewhere close to the tram terminus. The only bend I can see in this general area is where Old Peak Road turns downhill near to the Barker Road tram station. Either that or some bend in the original path that has since been built over by the subsequent viewing towers.