Iron Mines Ma On Shan

Since you have mentioned the iron mines on Ma On Shan David here is a photo of them!


Date picture taken
17 Jul 1954


Thanks Pauline, that's an interesting photo to see.

It's a good 'before & after' shot, with rice terraces in the foreground, and spoil from the mines in the background.

That grey line across the hill does look like a catchwater. I wonder if the mine built its own catchwaters and reservoir?

Regards, David

If a catchwater is the same thing as a leet I agree David,  that's what it looks like to me,  and unless there has been some development in the area it should be possible to still trace it. I'll get my son to have a look as he is the mines and mineralogy expert. Thanks for the info on the iron mines in places.

Regards,  Pauline.

Simon has now had a look and suggests that a feature at the right hand end of what looks like a leet could be a dam,  but asks us not to hold him to it,  so I just mention it in passing!

My son has now done a bit of research,  and tells me that the iron mined here was magnetite,  and that the workings were underground.  It closed down when cheaper sources of magnetite became available.

Thanks Pauline!

Yes, a type of leet. In in Hong kong the catchwaters follow the contours, catching runoff from hills and sending it along to a reservoir. And as you say, they're probably still traceable, though may be overgrown now.

Regards, David