List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
William Watson Male
Hugh Watt Male
George Flight Watt Male
Wayabiyashi Male
F. H. Weare Male
Goldie Sou Kam Weaver Leung Female
Bill William Francis Webb Male
Eva Webb Anderson Rawcliffe Female
William Jenkins Webb Anderson Male
Billy William Joseph Webber Male
William Edward Webber Male
J M Tadema Weilandt Female
Rosie Weill Female
Maurice Weill Male
Leo Leon Weill Male
Vera Veronica Marjorie Weill / Stericker Jefford Female
Margaret Winifred Grace Weir Waugh Female
Arthur Gordon Weir Male
Alan Gordon James Weir Male
Herbert Richmond Wells Male
Eliza Wells Female
Fred Frederick Thomas Sidney Wellstead Male
Alvena Wellstead / Main Laihovetsky Female
Major Welsh Welsh Male
Norah Marion Wentworth Female