AP Archive : (01 : 09 - 01 : 32)
Video : https://youtu.be/dvbbNCVehFU?si=0Irtf5E-EQB6TN0x&t=69
(L) Keiji MAKIMURA (牧村慶治)
(R) Haruo FUKUCHI (福地春男) - Chief of Staff to the Governor-General of Japanese-occupied Hong Kong
Keiji Makimura's memories of the Japanese surrender :
(Japanese) (English)
あくる三十一日 (31 August 1945) 、こちらは約束通り参謀長以下關係將校數十名と共に港内碇泊の旗艦に赴いた。たった一日の間に、港の中はがらりと變つた。日章旗は落ちてユニオンジャックの旗がひらめき、威風堂々たる、大小の軍艦や輸送船でいっぱいになった。旗艦の會見室...
Date picture taken
31 Aug 1945 (day and month are approximate)
Shows person / people
31 AUG 1945
Admiral Harcourt ,
Makimura (Director of the Foreign Affairs Department for Japanese-occupied Hong Kong) ,
Sources :
1. "At the going down of the sun : Hong Kong and South-East Asia, 1941-1945" by Lindsay, Oliver
2. Keiji Makimura's memories of the Japanese surrender