A merge of two maps from HKMS -
- Upper section ref: 1:600 163-NE-7
- Lower section ref: 1:600 163-NE-11
1 Jan 2025 update: I originally dated this map to 1922, based on the descriptions of the maps at https://www.hkmapservice.gov.hk/OneStopSystem/map-search# - e.g.:
Sheet No. / Title: 1:600 163-NE-11 (Ed 1922)
Date: 1922
But the comments below show that several buildings shown on the map couldn't exist until later in the decade, and the final road layout wouldn't be completed until the early 1930s. I've changed the date to be the 1920s, but it may have been drawn a few years later than that.
Looking at the full map images, I can't see any other details about the date they were drawn. In the bottom left corner is the printed text "Revised in 192", as though the final digit of the year would be added after making any edits.
1922 map
Do we have a shot of this map showing the Towers @ #20? It might help us with the views we've been looking at of the top of Broadwood Road.
1934 HKMaps crop Broadwood Road properties A B C
1963 HK Maps crop Properties A & B redeveloped
1963 - Properties B & C have been replaced by Jardine's Lookout Garden Mansion (1961, 2 blocks) and another building which was replaced by The Colonnade in 2001.
With thanks to Tymon of HK Maps.
Tai Hang Road date
I thought I'd seen elsewhere that the Tai Hang Road was joined up to Broadwood Road in 1931, but this map of 1922 clearly shows it. Did I get that wrong?
Re: 1922 Map and Tai Hang Road
I had noticed the anomaly previously when looking at the auction dates of the sites. Building Lots "B" (Inland Lot No. 2838) and "C" (Inland Lot No. 2478) were auctioned in 1928 and 1924 respectively. However, their footprints are shown on the 1922 map.
The original map may have been from 1922 but the map or certain sections of it have been corrected/updated after 1922.
Reference Tai Hang Road in Reports of the Public Works Department. (Search made utilizing "Tai Hang")
1928 - Item 46 - Mention made of Tai Hang Road Construction.
1929 - Under Communications - Mention made of Road Construction at Tai Hang. Under Item 125 Sewage and Stormwater Drains - Mention made of completion of 6" drains to I. L. No. 2478 (i.e. Building C) New Road above Tai Hang.
1930 - Under Item 118 - Mention made of completion of other stormwater drains along New Road above Tai Hang Village.
1931 - Under Item 25 Communications - Completion of Tai Hang Road Construction and including Strengthening of Conduit.
1932 onwards - Tai Hang Road is already mentioned
1. Administrative Reports: https://digitalrepository.lib.hku.hk/hkgro#?xywh=411%2C597%2C1189%2C1189
Thanks for pointing out the…
Thanks for pointing out the discrepancies. I've updated the date and added a note above.
1950 HK & Kowloon Survey Sheet
On the HK Maps website it seems this map is also presented with a date of 1950. Would this solve our dating issues and alter some assumptions?
re: 1950 HK & Kowloon Survey Sheet
Looking at https://www.hkmaps.hk/map.html?1950 the description says "Compilation of 193 maps from between 1922 and 1950".
Where there are missing sections of maps on hkmaps.hk Tymon often fills in those areas with maps from other years, so I think we're ok to stick with 1920s or possibly early 1930s for the date of the map above.