Avis P Thomson age 58 born China Canton arrived in New York 25 August 1942 aboard Gripsholm.
US Consular Certificate Canton China
Avis P Thomson is registered as an American citizen born 2 April 1884 . Arrived at Canton China 30 September 1910. Person to be informed of death or accident Rev J C Thompson 1762a Esplanade Avenue Montreal Canada
Find a Grave Hudson City Cemetery Hudson Columbia County New York 1965
Avis P Thomson 1884 - 1965
Missionary to Chinese. Daughter of J.C. and Agnes Dornin Thomson
US Records of Aliens Pre-Examined in Canada
Avis Powlis Thomson Missionary Mother Mrs J C Thomson 1762a Esplanade Avenue Montreal Canada
US Passpost Application
The surname varies in various documents but when she applied for a US Passport She completed the form and signed her name as Avis P Thomson (sic)
Avis Powlis Thomson 2 April 1884 - 1965
Could this be her?
Avis P Thomson age 58 born China Canton arrived in New York 25 August 1942 aboard Gripsholm.
US Consular Certificate Canton China
Avis P Thomson is registered as an American citizen born 2 April 1884 . Arrived at Canton China 30 September 1910. Person to be informed of death or accident Rev J C Thompson 1762a Esplanade Avenue Montreal Canada
Find a Grave Hudson City Cemetery Hudson Columbia County New York 1965
Avis P Thomson 1884 - 1965
Missionary to Chinese. Daughter of J.C. and Agnes Dornin Thomson
US Records of Aliens Pre-Examined in Canada
Avis Powlis Thomson Missionary Mother Mrs J C Thomson 1762a Esplanade Avenue Montreal Canada
US Passpost Application
The surname varies in various documents but when she applied for a US Passport She completed the form and signed her name as Avis P Thomson (sic)
Avis Powlis Thomson
A Presbyterian missionary and long time resident of China. She died on 24 April 1965, in Orange, Essex, New Jersey.
Obituary/Memorial: https://ancestors.familysearch.org/en/L5ZD-25W/avis-powlis-thomson-1884-1965
1. A Tribute to her parents, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Clark Thomson who arrived in Canton on 25 November 1881 : https://digital.history.pcusa.org/islandora/object/islandora:369897#page/1/mode/1up