Hong Kong Panorama

Sat, 06/22/2024 - 12:08

Ce panorama de Hong Kong et de son port est composé de deux photos collées l'une à côté de l'autre. Il a très probablement été pris en 1895. Sur le cliché de gauche, on repère en effet un chantier en cours : celui du nouveau marché central (中環街市), achevé justement en 1895. Autre bâtiment bien reconnaissable sur ce cliché : la cathédrale de l'Immaculée-Conception (聖母無原罪主教座堂), visible sur une hauteur à gauche. À son sommet, on distingue une espèce de clocher qui n'est plus présent sur un autre panorama pris un ou deux ans plus tard.

This panorama of Hong Kong and its port is made up of two photos glued next to each other. It was most likely taken in 1895. In the photo on the left, we can indeed see a construction site in progress: that of the new central market (中環街市), completed in 1895. Another building that is clearly recognizable in this photo: the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (聖母無原罪主教座堂), visible on a height to the left. At its summit, we can see a kind of bell tower which is no longer present on another panorama taken one or two years later.

Source: Fonds ASEMI, Université Côte d'Azur, see https://humazur.univ-cotedazur.fr/s/humazur/ark:/17103/c0ft

Date picture taken
1894 (year is approximate)


I had to compress this one significantly to get it uploaded, so it's nice to see the detail has been retained.

The text notes the existence of the Catholic cathedral bell tower. It looks as though the cathedral tower had a small steeple (or was it another building behind?) that was removed by the time the second panorama (https://gwulo.com/media/49112) was captured. Note- not to be confused with the campanile that didn't exist for another 8/9 years or so.