Central Market (3rd generation) [1895-1937]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

According to Wikipedia, this version of the building was completed in 1895, and demolished in 1937.

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Later place(s) at this location

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The Central Market, situated to the Westward about three minutes walk from the Clock Tower, is a very substantial brick and granite structure covering a large area and extending from the Queen's Road to the the Praya. Its upper story is confined to the supply of meat, poultry and fruit, including game when in season; the basement being set apart for fish, vegetables and the use of wholesale dealers. The place is kept nice and clean and should be of interest to every visitor who may respect one of the most important of our sanitary and hygienic institutions.


Source: The Tourist's Guide to Hong Kong, with short trips to the Mainland of China (1897) by HURLEY, R. C.

Progress of the building works, as reported in the Public Works Department's reports, dated as shown below:

  • 10 Jul 1890: Contract for the foundations granted on 23 May, and work begun.
  • 30 Apr 1891: All foundation trenches needed to be piled. Up to 31 Dec, 385 piles driven with appx 200 still remaining.
  • 13 Jan 1892: Foundations  completed in August, work on superstructure begun.
  • 10 Aug 1892: Walls  completed to the level of the plinth.
  • 7 Feb 1893: Walls reached to within 4 feet of the upper floor, and the 94 columns to support the floor were in place. 
  • 15 Jul 1893: Walls reached 8 feet above the first floor level, girders and floor plates fixed.
  • 16 Apr 1894: Walls complete except for gables and tower. Roof iron-work in place and roof timbers in progress.
  • 31 Jul 1894: Both towers complete to level of third floor window heads. Concreting the floors in progress.
  • 19 Mar 1895: Just 'completion of the approaches' and some internal fittings outstanding.
  • 3 Aug 1895: Completed on 30 April 1895.