c.1915 Queen's Road Central

For the story behind this photo, see: https://gwulo.com/node/51919

Gwulo photo ID: BG008

Date picture taken
1915 (year is approximate)


My parents had an account at The Mercantile Bank in Queens Rd for years and actually so did I until It was bought by Chartered Bank(?)or HSBC (can't remember) in early 60's??

I do remember it was a Grand old bank - beautiful domed ceiling with gilt features. Amazing! 

Just found this info : 

Mercantile Bank of India, London and China - Wikipedia

The bank was acquired in 1959 by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. By then its name had been shortened again, to 'Mercantile Bank, Ltd'. The acquired office in Bombay now houses the HSBC Group's Head Office in India. The Mercantile Bank continued to issue Hong Kong banknotes until the early 1970s.