Welcome to Gwulo

Here you'll find over 50,000 pages about old Hong Kong to explore, including over 30,000 photos. The content is added by a friendly community of people who enjoy sharing what we know about Hong Kong's history, and you are very welcome to join us.

Kind regards, David

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Gwulo's 2008 Top Ten

Submitted by David on Wed, 04/15/2020 - 18:00

After seeing Air Raid shelters in the 2006 and 2007 Top Ten lists, they don't make a showing in the list for 2008. You don't escape my fondness for tunnels completely though - see number 4 !


#10 - Martin Booth's 'Golden Boy' : Further information (29,135 views)

In Martin Booth's final book - titled Gweilo or Golden Boy depending on the market - he re-lives his childhood in 1950s Hong Kong. His adventures and the colourful characters he meets are a very enjoyable read, especially for anyone who who has lived in Hong Kong.

Gwulo's 2006 Top Ten

Submitted by David on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 11:38

While many of Gwulo's subscribers are stuck at home, I'm going to try sending out an extra mid-week newsletter as bonus reading material. I'll go back through the years the website has been running, and introduce the ten most popular pages from each year.

Our oldest pages are from 2005, all four of them! They first appeared under my pen name MrB, published on the Batgung.com website that I ran in cooperation with Mr Tall. After a slow start, I started writing about Hong Kong's history on a more regular basis in 2006. Here are the ten most popular pages from that year, based on how many times each page has been viewed.


#10 - Tunnels under Mount Parish (17,965 views)

The old tunnels dug as air-raid shelters in WW2 first got me hooked on investigating Hong Kong's history. After noticing blocked up entrances in Hong Kong's hillsides, I found maps and reports about the tunnels at the government's CEDD library that helped explain their background.

Here's one of the entrances to the Mount Parish tunnels you may have seen. It's on