Tin Hats and Rice

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Price: HK$138

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About this book

These are Barbara Anslow's wartime diaries, available for the first time in print.

Barbara had just had her 23rd birthday when the Japanese attacked Hong Kong in 1941. Her diary follows events through the battle & surrender, the long internment, and the eventual liberation in 1945. Barbara has added comments throught the book, explaining events and descriptions that might not make immediate sense to modern-day readers. There is also an index of the people mentioned, and additional material from accounts written by Barbara's mother and sister.

Tin Hats and Rice will be invaluable reading for anyone who had a family member imprisoned by the Japanese, or who wants to learn more about Hong Kong's wartime history.


Praise for Tin Hats and Rice

  • “Barbara Anslow’s wartime diaries bring Stanley Civilian Camp to life with such detail – from deaths to dolls’ houses, disputes and dentistry. Not only do you feel that you are there, but almost that the camp and everyone in it still exists.” – Tony Banham, author of Not the Slightest Chance: the Defence of Hong Kong 1941

  • "Without doubt the best (unofficial) diary to come out of Stanley Camp." – G. C. Emerson, author of Hong Kong Interment 1942-45, Life in the Japanese Civilian Camp at Stanley


Book details

The book is a 372-page paperback, with a page size of 140 x 216 mm / 5.5 x 8.5 inches.

To take a closer look, please click here to download a copy of the foreword, introduction, and the first few pages of the diary.


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