Everything tagged: WW2: Interned at Stanley Camp

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Pages tagged: WW2: Interned at Stanley Camp

F GRIMSHAW [????-????]

Submitted by Admin on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 21:38

Barbara Anslow:

He was a Roman Catholic Brother, in Stanley Internment Camp with us.

Marie PATERSON [????- ]

Submitted by Admin on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 21:20

Barbara Anslow:

Marie Paterson, a school teacher, was a nurse in the Jockey Club wartime hospital when it was overrun by the Japs. Her incredibly brave escape to seek help, after the soldiers started raping the younger nurses, is told in detail by my Mother on pages 95-98 of her memoir 'It Was Like This...' I believe this is mentioned in Gwen Dew's book which I have lost, and also in 'The Private Life of Old Hong Kong' by Susanna Hoe.