Everything tagged: boundary stone

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Pages tagged: boundary stone

First marker of the The Anglo-Chinese Boundary 1898 [1899- ]

Submitted by Klaus on

See the story behind at The Anglo Chinese Boundary 1898

Mr. Stewart Lockhart's report:

The Northern Boundary commences at the point of high water-mark in Mirs Bay where the meridian of 114°.30' East cuts the land and follows that high water-mark to the point marked with a peg immediately to the West of the market town locally known as Tung Wo Hü and sometimes called Shat'aukok.

Marker set in the morning of the 17th March, 1899.

KYF stone [????- ]

Submitted by H Lo on

We came across this when we descended from PB111, after passing a small cemetery, it's the junction of a path and the road leading downhill to the public lavatory of Nam Pin Wai. 

Before going down, we went up a little bit for the gate of a farm, before reaching it, this stone caught my eye on the right of the dirt track.

Anyone know what the inscription means? I am wondering if it's just the boundary stone of the farm nearby, with only its rusted gate left ... as can be seen here in this Google map link:

香港, 新界南邊圍