R. E. Jones Wartime diary: View pages

Rae 2yrs today.

In A1 Kitchen all day.


Cementing brackets in A1.


News good if true.




Walk with S pm.


Much warmer today.

Polished chest of drawers.

Walk with S pm.


Fine but a little cooler.

Walk with S pm.


News very good.

1lb flour issued.


Learning to dance.

Re-set brackets A1 kitchen.


Saw S pm.


More dance.


Cig issue.


Dance til 10pm.

Finished sink in A1.

Hear row afternoon.

Good dinner by Allson ((Probably Mr Allison.)).


Dance til 10pm.


Drew I.R.C. rations.

Club Committee meeting.

Saw S pm.


Many rumours re Germany packing up.


Warmer & low clouds. Humid.

Walk with Steve pm.


Not so humid today.


Walk with S pm.

Tummy not so good.




Still upset with tummy. No dancing tonight.

Rotten cold day.


Saw S pm.

Tummy bad.


Cold & wet.

Vomitting. Epsom salts.


Rec. Y15. Reps. £3-15-0 or $60HK.

In bed nearly all day.

Saw Steve pm.


Good news re Russian advances. Felt somewhat better. 


Dr. came. Diagnosed dyspepsia & indigestion. Br. Soda. & on Clinic food.

Jap gun practice & black-out.

Saw Steve pm.


New moon.

Canteen took Y8000 today.

Fine crisp day.


Walk with Steve pm. 

