Peculiar Iron Door at the corner of Ping Shan Nam Pak Road [????- ]

Submitted by tngan on Mon, 12/06/2010 - 11:59
Current condition

Hi there,

I was walking along the Ping Shan Heritage Trail yesterday and found this peruliar iron door at the corner of the Ping Shan Nam Pak Road.  It is a concrete structure with an Iron Door right in front, with two gun port look alike holes on both sides.  The two holes had been bricked up from the inside. 

I really do not have any idea what exactly is this structure, but the concrete looked a bit old.  Atop the hill it was the old Ping Shan Police Station, but right behind this structure is the defunc Tat Tak School﹐   The school was said to be haunted.

DSCF2953a.JPG, by tngan


Best Regards,


Photos that show this Place



Thomas, that's an interesting find. Any chance you got a photo of the side of it so we can see the bricked-up ports?

The door doesn't look very tall from the photo. Was the concrete structure tall enough that you could stand up inside it? Could you see if the door finished at ground level, or has been partly buried over time?

Regards, David

Dear David,

I was with two friends and did not have the time to investigate.  They were eager to take a walk in Yuen Long before going off the airport.  It was already getting dark when I took the photos.

Anyway from the photo it appeared the lower part of the door had been burried.  If I climb up and stand before the structure the roof would probably be up to my chest.

I'll try to ask a friend of mine living in Ping Shan and see if he could provide any further clues. 

I have pasted two links from my on-line album, and I have sent you the original photos by email.

Best Regards,


The shape of the building is very reminiscent of the ammo shed we saw on Ki Lun Shan last year.


Thomas, thanks for the extra photos. They're much clearer than the photos from Google.

As Phil says, it's an exact copy of the building we saw on Ki Lun Shan (photos & video here). That makes it a lot more interesting to know there were more than one of them built.

Phil, I know we talked about ammunition store as a likely use, but have you found any more information about them since we visited? I'm still not clear when they were built, or for what.

Regards, David

PS has anyone seen any buildings more like these around the New Territories?