Rustomjee & Co. / Keying House / The Parsee’s residence [1845-1868]

Submitted by annelisec on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Manchu dynasty imperial commissioner, Ch'i-ying.

The foreign community's regard for Ch'i-ying as their patron made him a temporary vogue.  A few months later the spacious and commodious premises" of a new British hotel on Queen's Road were christened "Keying House".

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The Chater Collection mentions "Keying House"

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Hi, not sure what you mean here - did it change its name from Keying to Marina? Or ...? Please can you tell us some more?

Regards, David

In 1866 - "The Hongkong Hotel Company acquired the Oriental Hotel and adjoining building, Keying [-] and Marine House in Pedder Street" - HSHG website

When the Hong Kong Hotel was downsized after the 1926 fire, the North Wing, and the land that later became Marina House, were removed from the Hong Kong Hotel.

My theory is that the name Marina House is an update of the original Marine House in that same location. 

I'm putting this here to see if someone can identify the actual extent of Keying House and Marine House on Queen's Road, before they were demolished to build the Hong Kong Hotel in 1866.

Marine House is listed at 17 Queen's Road Central, in 1899 - which was where?  In the same location as the later Marina House?

[Ed: fire date corrected]