Liberty Theatre [1949-1997]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Dates from Raymond Lo on the Cinema Treasures website.

The name lives on - the current residential building on this site is named Liberty Mansion.


Photos that show this Place



The plans for the Liberty Theatre in the news, April 6, 1948:

Pile driving has been completed on a plot of land at the corner of Jordan Road and Temple Street, Kowloon, where a picture theatre— to be known as “The Liberty Cinema" is to be erected.

[...] Messrs. Chau and Lee are the architects [...]

At Jordan Road, the Liberty Cinema, covering an area of 57 feet by 150 feet, will seat about 850 persons on the ground floor and 450 on the balcony. The owners are the Far East Investment Co., and the contractors are the Lai Hin Construction  Co. It is hoped that the theatre will be finished in August.