Methodist Sailors' and Soldiers' Home (1st location) [1901-1929]

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Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished
(Day & Month are approximate.)

Carl T Smith writes in Wanchai: In Search of an Identity:

At the corner of Arsenal Street and Praya East [this is before Hennessy Road was built] was the Methodist sponsored Soldiers' and Sailors' Home. Its neighbour in the next building on the Praya was the Royal Navy Canteen which occupied rented premises in the Blue Buildings on Marine Lot 65.

After Hennessy Road was built, the Home moved a short distance East to the corner of Hennessy Road and Anton Street.

Photos that show this Place



The following excerpt comes from a booklet produced in 2013 to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the Methodist international Church. Revd Dr G Howard Mellor has kindly sent me a soft copy of the booklet and permission to include excerpts here. 

The English Methodist Church was the catalyst for much of the early work of the Methodist Church, Hong Kong. As early as 1895, Charles Bone succeeded in hiring two rooms in Arsenal Street for servicemen who were ‘Declared Wesleyans’. This work expanded and in 1901 a Soldier’s and Sailor’s Home was opened at No9 Arsenal Street ((ie this building)) providing 100 beds, a coffee bar, reading room, two billiard tables, a prayer room and meeting room. The Story of the Sailor’s and Soldier’s Home compiled by the Revd Man Kwok Wai tells the story in great detail. The plot of land of the first S&S Home was repossessed by the Government for road widening and the new tramway.

You can click here to download the complete booklet.

The land sale in 1896 gives the location as Marine Lot No. 279 located west of the Blue Buildings as viewed here. The Home was opened on 7 May 1901.

Demolition date: Workmen were busy erecting scaffolding around the old Sailors' and Soldiers' Home in Arsenal Street preparatory to the work of demolition which will be well in hand in a few days. HK Telegraph 30 Janauary 1929 refers.