Government Pier (first generation) [c.1905-c.1965]

Submitted by philk on Sun, 07/09/2023 - 20:18
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

I believe this was the Govt pier where Fireboat Alexander Grantham was based for a while. It was located at the waterfront directly opposite Wing Wo Street.


Photos that show this Place



Update 2023-09-06: 

There were two generations of piers. The first one was built around 1905, it is visible on the 1905 map on Gwulo and on the 1963 aerial photograph. 

During the second half of the 1960s, another reclamation was made at the western part of Central. Therefore the old Government Pier was demolished approximately in 1965 and replaced by two new ones slightly further east of the old one (see 1969 aerial photograph).  

This edited comment is the result of the discussion below.

central piers aerial view 1963+1969
central piers aerial view 1963+1969, by Klaus


It looks as if we are talking about two generations of piers. The first one was built around 1905, it is visible on the 1905 map on Gwulo and on the 1963 aerial photograph. 

During the second half of the 1960s, another reclamation was made at the western part of Central. Therefore the old Government Pier was demolished approximately in 1965 and replaced by two new ones slightly further east of the old one (see 1969 aerial photograph).  

Phil, I guess you are talking about the older one of the two piers.  I propose you rename it to Government Pier (first generation) [c.1905-1965], and we create Government Pier (second generation) [1967-1995],

Thank you Phil. I created the second generation pier and tried to tidy up all entries, comments and photos.