Star Ferry Terminal, TST (3rd generation) / Kowloon Public Pier [1907-c.1956]

Submitted by Admin on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day & Month are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

This replaced the previous pier on this site, which was badly damaged in the 1906 typhoon.


  • 1907: The previous pier extended out into the harbour. To avoid the pier being damaged by future typhoons, the remains of the old pier were demolished and this new one was built, with ferries mooring parallel to the shoreline.

    Item 32, PWD AR 1907:

    The Kowloon Star Ferry Pier which was severely damaged during the Typhoon of the 18th September, 1906, was entirely reconstructed on a new plan, being arranged for the ferry steamers to go alongside parallel with, instead of at right angles to, the quay wall.

    1907 Kowloon Star Ferry, by moddsey


  • 1914: The Star Ferry moved a short distance south to a new, larger pier and terminal building - the 4th generation. As this pier was then vacant, it was converted to become a public pier. You can see the new arrangement on the 1920 map.

    Item 74, PWD AR 1914:

    Tsim Sha Tsui Wharf—Re-arranging and adapting Old Star Ferry Wharf as a public wharf including provision of 3 stairways, new seats, etc., and repairing and painting the whole of the iron and woodwork above low-water level, $8,686


  • 1930s: A view of this pier in the foreground, and the next, 4th-generation Star Ferry pier beyond it.

    1930s Kowloon Star Ferry and KCR Terminus, by moddsey


  • c. 1956: This pier and the 4th-generation Star Ferry pier were demolished to make way for the much larger 5th-generation Star Ferry pier - the one we see today.

Previous place(s) at this location

Photos that show this Place



Captured from film flight to hong kong_1956 [Admin: the stills from Flight to Hong Kong show the next generation of Star Ferry Terminal, and have been moved to that page.]

Yes, definitely 4th generation. Just before it was demolished and replaced by the current one. But I think the title of this page is also incorrect as it says "3rd gen" to 1907 - c.1956. I think it should say 1907 - 1914? 4th gen page is here.

David is it possible to remove the links to the 3rd gen in these images (I'll update them with the correct place) and then perhaps simtang's comment can be removed/moved.

Thanks for the note about the photos - all updated now.

I think the page title is ok: this pier existed from 1907 - c.1956 and during that time it was used as the Star Ferry Terminal, TST (3rd generation) and then the Kowloon Public Pier. Please see the timeline for details.

many thanks. Understood about the title, I had missed the fact that this was in a slightly different location.