Peak Galleria - RBL 3 [1992- ]

Submitted by annelisec on
Current condition
In use
Date completed
(Day & Month are approximate.)

by the 1960, the ruins of the Peak Hotel had been cleared away and the site was used as a bus stop and a playground.

Then, in 1989, the site was redevoped, together with Peak Mansions, to become the Peak Galleria.

Photos that show this Place



Hi Annelise, please can I ask for a couple of edits: the 'Previous place(s) at this location:' field is just meant to list any buildings that were demolished to make way for the current building. So for the Peak Galleria, the list will show 'Peak Bus Terminus & playground', and Peak Mansions.

At some point in the future, this will let us build a timeline showing the buildings that have stood on certain spot, in the correct order. Something like a family tree, where 'Previous place(s) at this location:' for a building is similar to the parents of a person.

Then 'Photos that show this place' is meant to be for photos where you can literally see the current place. So the 1970 photo above would appear on the 'Peak Bus Terminus & playground' place, but not this one.

That will help features like the photo map work properly.

And finally, I think your fingers had a sudden burst of dyslexia with the 'Date Place completed:' above!

Thanks a lot, David