Looking for any photos of old Portuguese neighborhood 1850 -1950

Submitted by Allikins on Thu, 01/21/2021 - 04:05


I'm looking for any 1850-1950 photos of the old Portuguese neighborhood in HK. Streets would include Bridges Street, Caine Road, Rozario Street, Tank Lane, and the surrounding area.

Allison Neves



To see what we have, you can look at Places nearby, and then see if their photos are any use. eg for Tank Lane the map shows several Place markers nearby:


Click on a marker to see the Place name, and if the dates fit the period you're interested in then look at its photos. eg Place "Chinese YMCA - 51 Bridges Street [1918- ]" >> https://gwulo.com/node/5961 >> https://gwulo.com/node/5961/photos

If you can add any photos in return, they'll be good to see.