31 Dec 1944, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong

Submitted by Alison Gerrard on Sun, 10/04/2020 - 12:08

In Tweed Bay Hospital again. I saw Prof. Digby yesterday morning to confirm my coming in and he asked me to come in that evening (Saturday) as he wished to operate on my tag on Monday morning. Church service has just been held and it was quite nice. I have also just had castor oil and will get an enema tonight in preparation. I will only require a local anaesthetic and the snipping off of the tag on my bot will or should only take a few minutes and if leeching goes well I should be out by the end of the week possibly next Saturday.

On Christmas Day J.F., D.B.B. and I were invited to Summers' room for coffee. Robin and Charlie did the honours and there were quite a lot of fancy things to eat all having rice flour as their basis, no matter what is made rice is the basis, however we had a nice time and a good feed, then in the afternoon we were at J.F. and had tea there and then back again for another good feed in our room. Elder Gray made a pie to which I contributed a tin of corned beef and other things as well. He also made a cake and Tom McIntyre steamed a large cake so all in all we had plenty to eat. Actually mostly due to our own efforts, no help or comforts being given by the Japs. Also Mrs Walley ((probably Mrs Willey, as I can't see a Mrs Walley on the list of internees, and the Willeys are mentioned several times below)) made a very nice cake for us which when divided into six portions soon disappeared.

I was to go to the Willeys place on New Years Day tomorrow along with J.F. and D.B.B. for coffee and eats, but now no can, however they have kindly promised to bring me my share. I was invited to the Willey's place on Wednesday 27th for tiffin and unfortunately and air raid came on and kept me rather late as by the time I got to their place at the Indian Quarters, the others invited had nearly finished chow, however I had a good helping of stew with corned beef and plenty of vegetables and a very nice sweet cake and coffee to follow, all very enjoyable and a nice change. Air raids when they come keep us confined to our rooms.

Date(s) of events described