Christian James Ernest SCOTT (aka Jock) [1918-2000]

Submitted by David on
Christian James Ernest
Alias / nickname
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Passenger List departing from London 9 April 1934 to Hong Kong

The group was listed as follows. Address in UK 276 Sandycombe Road Kew Gardens

Mrs Adeline B Johnstone age 57

Miss Hazel A Scott age 17

Mr Christian J E Scott age 16

Miss Zena  V Scott age 13

Then below with names marked -O- were

Mrs Blanche I Scott age 39 of no nationality  and Miss Thelma A  Scott  age 19  of no nationality

Certificate of Identity issued by the Aliens Department of the Home Office 29 March 1934

List of Alien Passenger for the USA arriving in Canada Departed 22 March 1916 from Hong Kong

Ernest Scott age 24  merchant nationality USA race Danish  relative in Hong Kong C Scott 

Blanche Scott age 20 nationality USA race English

Thelma Scott age 0 nationality USA race Danish

Passenger List Yokohama Japan to Victoria British Columbia Canada arriving 8 April 1916

Ernest Scott age 24 born USA merchant

Blanche Scott age 20 born India

Thelma Scott age 0 born Japan

Adeline Blanche Thelma Johnstone is mentioned in Cemetery Records "Sacred to the memory of James Johnstone aged 64 years who departed this life 12 February 1934. His memory lingers witth us always Adeline Blanche Thelma Johnstone".

16 January 1891 James Johnstone age 22 married Adeline Blanche Bachman age 18 ? in Bombay India.

 Liverpool to Hong Kong October 1930

James Johnstone  age 61 engineer address in UK  276 Sandycombe Road Kew Gardens Surrey


From memoirs of Ted Harris

[It was around about this time that a romance began to flourish in the camp. That of Ruby and an Englishman, Chris (Jock) Scott. Jock was billeted in the Science quarters and became a frequent visitor. Briefly, Ruby’s marriage to Nobby floundered during the war years and Ruby and Chris were ultimately married at Wesley Church, Melbourne on their repatriation to Australia. From this marriage were two sons, Dennis and Chris.]


Australia Electoral Rolls

12 Princess Avenue Sandringham Victoria Australia 1963

Christian James E Scott Builder

Ruby Elizabeth Scott

Victoria Australia Wills and Probate

Christian James Ernest Scott Motor Body Builder  died 12 November 2000

Find a Grave

Christian James Ernest Scott born 18 March 1918 Death 12 November 2000  Buried Springvale Dandenong City Victoria Australia