International Women's Club [1933-????]

Submitted by David on

Its opening on the 6th June 1933 was reported on page 7 of The China Mail the next day:


Opened Yesterday By Lady Southorn.


The Hong Kong International Women’s Club, with its Club-rooms on the first floor of the Chung Tin Building (old King Edward Hotel), was officially opened yesterday affernoon by Lady Southorn, in the presence of a large and international gathering of local ladies.

The large and spacious club-rooms were tastefully decorated for the occasion and among those present were:—

Sir Thomas and Lady Southorn, Mrs. Borrett, Lady Pollock, Mrs. Tratman, Mrs. Biggar, Mrs. Sommers, Rev. and Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Cock, Mrs. Maitland, Mrs. Grimble, Mr. Quist (Consul-General for the Netherlands), Mr. Tang Shiu-kin, Mrs. Gerrard, Miss Elliott, Mrs. Ho Leung, Mrs. Ho Ki and Miss Westland.

Lady Southorn was received by Mrs. Biggar, who, in the absence of Dr. Kotewall, read his letter expressing his regret at not being able to be present owing to indisposition.

Lady Southorn said that she re-greted the absence of Dr. Kotewall.

The charming result you see to-day," said Lady Southorn, "is due to the . . . enthusiasm of Mrs. Biggar assisted by her able colleagues Mrs. Maitland, Mrs. Wylie, Mrs. Y. K. Chow, Mrs. Gerrard and Mrs. Sommers—they have achieved marvels in a short time.

Small Beginning.

This Club is beginning in a very small way but we hope it will flourish and develop. The one way to success is large membership and I do beg women and girls of all nationalities in the Colony to support this Club by becoming members. The subscription is one dollar a month. We hope it will fill a want by providing rest and refreshment for business and professional women and “a meeting place for the development of International friendship and understanding.

I have kept till the end a message which will give everyone the very greatest pleasure—Lady Peel authorizes me to convey to the Club her best wishes for its success. We greatly appreciate Lady Peel's interest.

Date organisation created