simple way to find the year built, numbers of floors, numbers of units etc is to search from the building management database of Home Affairs Department.
However, no data was shown for year built of 1-23 Sau Fu Street. It must be a very old building before WWII. Even online search from Land Registry could not find any information. If a building have Deed of Mutual Convenant (DMC), the online system could find the owners particulars and the DMC shows the date of first owner signed this document. So I guess it is a solely owned building without selling the flat units and assign undivided shares to each owner.
simple way to find the year
simple way to find the year built, numbers of floors, numbers of units etc is to search from the building management database of Home Affairs Department.
However, no data was shown for year built of 1-23 Sau Fu Street. It must be a very old building before WWII. Even online search from Land Registry could not find any information. If a building have Deed of Mutual Convenant (DMC), the online system could find the owners particulars and the DMC shows the date of first owner signed this document. So I guess it is a solely owned building without selling the flat units and assign undivided shares to each owner.