Central Cinema (Victoria) [????-????]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists

Central Cinema's location appears on the 1945 Map of Hong Kong and Kowloon - https://gwulo.com/node/38765#14/22.3130/114.1806/Map_by_ESRI-1945_HK+Kl…; .  On the map, it is Key #8 in the Victoria district at "334 Queen's Road Central"**, on the south side of Queen's Road between Morrison and Cleverly.  The current occupant is Midland Centre.

Questions arise whether this is the same Central Theatre located about a block to the east (already in Gwulo cinema list - https://gwulo.com/node/29285).  The two have different street numbers which suggests they were two separate buildings.  On the other hand, Central Theatre is not shown in the 1945 map, so perhaps a map error/confusion.  In the interim, this page is intended to solicit comments and clarification.

** I should point out that the 1945 map shows "Queens Road" for the cinema's location as well as the stretch extending to its west terminus.
