Nathan Theatre / 彌敦戲院 [1938-1948]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Seating capacity: unknown

Address: 603-609A Nathan Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong.  Sun Hing Building is the current occupant at the site.

Nathan Theare started operating sometime in the latter half of 1938, and operation was suspended on December 8, 1941 as WWII drew closer to Hong Kong.  Apparently the theatre re-opened sometime during the war and shut down again until 1948 when it re-opened after making improvement of its apparatus.  But it shut down permanently later that same year.  For the purpose of this page, the operating period is from October 1938 to December 1948.

"On 3rd August, 1949, the British Armed Forces requisitioned the theatre, converted it into a barracks, and returned the premises to the Hong Kong Government on 1st January 1956. The demolition of the theatre was finished by October 1957." - Cinema Treasures.  Forgotten, but this photo refreshes my memory of looking at it from a bus during the early 1950s.



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