Wendy Winifred WHITTAKER (née WILLCOCKS) [1919- ]

Submitted by David on
Wendy Winifred
Connections: This person is ...


Their wedding was reported on page 5 of The Hong Kong Telegraph, 1939-10-26:



St. John’s Cathedral was the scene of a brilliant wedding yesterday evening when Lieut. John Gordon Whittaker, R.A., married Miss Wendy Winifred Willcock. 

The Very Rev, J. L. Wilson, Dean of the Cathedral, officiated. His Excellency the Governor was represented by his Aide-de-Camp, Captain S. H. Batty-Smith, at the ceremony, and later at the reception, which was held in the Hongkong Club Annexe.

The bride is the daughter of Major J. L. Willcocks, D.S.O., M.C., late The Black Watch, Commissioner of Prisons, Hongkong, and Mrs. Willcocks, and the granddaughter of the late General Sir James Willcocks, ?.C.?., O.C.M.G., K.C.?.L., D.S.O.

Arriving at the church on the arm of her father, by whom she was given away, the bride wore an exquisite gown of Ivory and gold brocade with train to match. Her Ivory tulle veil floated from an ivory and gold halo and she carried a bouquet of white gladioli.

The bridegroom is the only son of the late Mr. John Whittaker, of Shaw Hill, Charley, Lancashire, and Mrs. Whittaker of Dean’s Orchard, Mere, Wilts. 

The bride's mother attended the ceremony in a pastel pink lace frock over a foundation of black, and carried a bouquet of roses.

Lieut. K. I. .M. Buchanan of the Royal Scotts, undertook the duties of the best man. Mr. J. R. M. Smith was at the organ.

The Hongkong Police Force and Prison Department and the Royal Artillery were well represented at the ceremony.

A guard of honour was formed by brother officers of the bridegroom, and after the service, forty men of the Royal Artillery drew the bridal car to the Hongkong Club.

The honeymoon is to be spent at Fanling. Mrs. Whittaker went away in a smart ash blue crepe ensemble, offset by a matching hat trimmed with a cyclamen ostrich feather, and grey accessories. 

Marie Smith Weds 

The wedding took place at Upminster, England, last Friday, of Miss Marie Louise Smith, youngest daughter of Mr. J. Smith, of the kowloon-Canton Railway, to Mr. Donald Marrable, R.N.

Most interesting David to see the report of the wedding and to find that she was the daughter of Major J Willcocks who was Commissioner of Prisons and commanded the Stanley Force from the Prison Officers Club in the Battle of Hong Kong.  John Whitehead relates the story on Page 60 of "Escape to Fight On" of how a group of POWs enticed  Captain Whttaker's dog into their hut - then killed it, cooked it and ate it.   


Passenger List arriving 27 October 1945 from Hong Kong

Wendy Winifred Whittaker 25

Passenger List aboard Queen Mary Southampton to New York arriving 12 June 1956

John G Whittaker Liaison Officer US address Fort Sill Oklahoma Pieces of luggage 54 plus 1 auto

Winifred Whittaker Pieces of luggage 54


UK Electoral Register 145 The Street, Capel,Dorking Surrey

MS Wendy W Whittaker Birth date 1918-1920  Residency date 2003 - 2010

Japanese Card

John Gordon Whittaker born 20 September 1917 Preston Lancashire Captain   5th A.A. Regt. R.A. Mother Constance

Probate Calendar Canada

John Gordon Whittaker died 12 June 1987 Ontario Canada

Find a Grave Canada

Beloved Husband of Dorothy Ruth Matthews.

Father of James J G Whittaker.

Grandfather of Adam & Simon Whittaker.

Son of Constance Mason & John Whittaker.

Brother to Mary.

Wonderful Stepfather to Kenneth, Donald and Ruth

Amazing " U J " to Kenneth, Andrea, Daniel and Matthew


Lieutenant Colonel John Gordon Whittaker was a Prisoner of War during WW2.