Victoria Buildings (South Building) [c.1860-1924]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day & Month are approximate.)

From a 1924 newspaper article:

In an interview with Sir Paul Chater this morning, a Telegraph representative learned some of the history of Victoria Buildings. Erected about 1860, the first offices there were occupied by Messrs. Lyall, Still and Company, a firm since defunct. The original property extended right through from Queen’s Road to Des Voeux Road.

Some time later, the building was purchased by Messrs. Jardine, Matheson and Co, and they were in occupation for a considerable period. In 1884, they sold the promises to Sir Paul Chater, and Messrs. Chater and Mody moved in and the firm has remained there up to practically a few days ago.

In February, 1919, the portion fronting on Des Voeux Road ((ie the North Building)) was sold by the firm of Chater and Mody to the Bank of Canton. This part was pulled down, and the site is now occupied by the imposing building just completed. The portion facing Queen’s Road ((ie this South Building)) was sold to Mr. Pun Yick-cho in April, 1921. This is now to pass into the hands of the contractors’ workmen, and make way for another addition to the fine modern structures of the city. Thus will pass another link with olden-day Hongkong.

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