NEW Hong Kong historical biography OUT SOON

Submitted by rohanprice on

New Hong Kong biographical history title coming out 27 October: Going Native: The Passions of Philip Jacks by Rohan Price. Publisher: Australian Scholarly Publishing. 

Download the cover/blurb here:

Read the preface here:

You can pre-order it here:

It will have a Hong Kong retailer if local demand is sufficient!

Updates on Twitter: @Price70 or here on Facebook:

Happy to mentor if anyone has aspirations in biography/memoir/travel/archive-based writing.

Any questions? Happy to answer through a thread here.

Peace and happy reading, Rohan

Hi David,

Many thanks for the suggestion.

The biography of Jacks, along with the story of why I was interested in him, can be viewed here:

For Hong Kongers, our venerable old China Hands in Oz and the eternally curious: please come to the Southern Cross Uni book launch in Lismore, NSW on 10 November


Wine, readings and tapas. All free! The HK love will be zinging around...

Best, Rohan